Regulates the EVOVERSE Gaming Platform TOURNAMENTS that are carried out online by obtaining results from the player through the software/game installed or not on the player's computer that needs to be connected to the internet.

I. Object, place and time of participation

Article 1. The purpose of this regulation is to standardize the “EVOVERSE TOURNAMENTS” designed and organized by FELEX OVERSEAS LTD, which is holding an “Online” E-Sports tournament among its base of players duly registered on the EVOVERSE.APP website.

Article 2. The tournament will be held daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, the start and end dates and times of each tournament, as well as participation costs and prizes will be exclusively published on the EVOVERSE.APP website.

II. Participants and registrations

Article 3. Anyone of any nationality can register to participate exclusively online through the website: www.evoverse.app and it is necessary to have a Metamask cryptocurrency wallet to participate in the tournaments.

Paragraph 1. Registration is only permitted for people over 18 (eighteen) years of age to complete registration and participation, EVOVERSE reserves the right to request identity documents and the registrant must present a valid identity document.

Paragraph 2. Registration in the tournament will imply full and unrestricted acceptance of all terms and conditions of these regulations and the organizer's privacy policy, as well as the declaration of the absence of any restriction or impediment that will prevent you from receiving the prize.

Paragraph 3. The player duly registered in the tournament also grants broad and complete authorization for the organizer to make the registered player's data available to partner companies of the organizer and the Evoverse group.

Paragraph 4. The player duly registered in the tournament authorizes the organizer to use his image for an indefinite and unrestricted period, without any cost or right to claim for the use and undue exposure of his image.

Paragraph 5. The duly registered player understands that any and all material produced will be the property of the organizer, therefore expressly waives any right to examination or prior approval for the use of any material produced with his image, interpretation, name and/or sound of voice, as well as as well as its participation in the production, reproduction, editing and adaptation of the tournament's photographic, sound and audiovisual material, granting, in this act, the organizer, as well as other people authorized by it, autonomy in carrying out the work, as long as to comply with the specific purpose provided here.

III. Awards

Article 4. Tournaments offer prizes for a certain number of winners, such prizes and how many winners are awarded per weekly tournament will always be described in our Whitepaper.

Paragraph 1. To receive physical prizes (computers, gifts, etc.), EVOVERSE will send them free of charge to winners who reside in Brazil. Winners who reside in other countries must pay the shipping costs in order to receive their prizes. If they do not agree to pay the shipping costs, the prizes will not be sent under any circumstances and after 30 calendar days the winners will lose their rights to the prizes.

IV. Player participation and classification criteria

Article 5. After completing their registration, the interested party will be considered a player and will be able to participate in EVOVERSE TOURNAMENTS by playing classification matches as many times a day as they wish, the time of each match depends on the player's performance, ending their disconnection from the match. At the end of the match, the score achieved by the player on that occasion will be recorded.

Paragraph 1. The results of each match (scores) will not be cumulative, considering for classification and award purposes only the highest score achieved by the player during their participation, that is, lower scores will be disregarded for classification and award purposes. participant. The score reached by the player can be consulted within the game itself.

Paragraph 2. In the event of a “general bug in the game”, the organizer will provide guidance to participants on how to continue the competition.

Paragraph 3. The organization will not be responsible for bugs within the game and matches will not be restarted if a system bug is identified or characterized until it is resolved and at the organization's discretion the player may or may not return to play as long as the player has not somehow contributed to generating the bug intentionally.

Paragraph 4. If it is found that the player is trying to manipulate the result of the match through a bug, system breach or any other way, the player may be disqualified and/or banned from the platform at the discretion of the organizing committee.

Article 6. The player who, at the end of the competition period, achieves the highest score in terms of points will be considered champion;

Article 7. In the event of a tie in the final score, the tiebreaker criteria described in each promotional material for the TOURNAMENT software/game in dispute will be used.

V. Player conduct

Article 8. In case of inappropriate behavior, such as: offenses, coercion, threats, prejudice, riots, or any conduct considered contrary to sporting practice, the player may be disqualified from the match and in the most serious cases may have their registration canceled from the tournament.

VI. Permanent Judgment Committee

Article 9. For the purpose of resolving doubts or issues not provided for in this regulation, the organizer will set up a permanent judging committee, made up of 3 (three) members appointed by the organizer itself and each case will be analyzed without predicting an end date until the date necessary for the end. of judgments.

Single paragraph. The decisions given by the permanent judging committee are unique and definitive, and no objections, interpellations or appeals may be filed against them.


Last updated: March 17, 2024.

Last updated